Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene Preparation Checklist

  1. Remove everything from front deck – place on back deck.
  2. Purchase a case of wine or two. 
  3. Find the candles and matches somewhere in the garage. 
  4. Fill up the streaming Netflix queue.
  5. Purchase a case of beer or two.
  6. Find all the flashlights that need batteries somewhere in the garage.
  7. Place everything that needs a good hosing down in the center of the driveway, away from the house.
  8. Find the good old fashioned transistor radio somewhere in the garage.  Probably needs batteries.
  9. Purchase a case of vodka or two.
  10. Eat frozen food for lunch and dinner so it doesn't spoil during power failure.
  11. Take clothes off the clothesline.
  12. Find those knee high wading boots somewhere in the garage.
  13. Try again to un-jam the damn window that won’t close in the den.
  14. Purchase several bags of ice.
  15. Don’t bother to water the lawn.
  16. Don’t bother to wash the car.
  17. Don’t bother to stain the deck.
  18. Be sure both dogs are inside the house.
  19. Put car in garage.  Remember to close garage door.
  20. Fill bathtub with ice, wine, beer and vodka. Place candles and matches nearby.
Did I forget anything?

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