Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Old Year Ending

The year ends on a sad note - an unexpected death.  Sadness sits over Hunter Mtn like a dark, heavy cloud that will not blow away.  Sadness that overcomes sunshine and good snow.

Just before that, Christmas before that T'Giving, both joyous and both break-throughs in their own way for our family.

Before that, Italy with my love, as our way of celebrating our years together.  And before that, triathlon season, with amazing successes from Benjamin.  An athlete at the top of his game.  And before that, and before that and before that...

The next year begins with its challenges made clear already.

Let it be an Inconceivable! year for everyone, especially my readers.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Good Book For Sale

Thanks for the support and requests.

Neither Amazon nor B&N have hard copy physical books.  Those sites as well as Ibooks, Scribd, KOBO, etc. only have digital copies.  We took great care to ensure the ebooks have the same illustrations and covers as the physical book.  The page count is different because the physical book is double spaced throughout, whereas the ebook can be changed by the user.

To purchase digital copies, you can go directly to Amazon or B&N or any other major ebook retailer and search Inconceivable by Steve Marshall Cohen.  You can also click this link which takes you to the book's home page Inconceivable by Steve Marshall Cohen

To purchase hard copies, send a check made to Steve Marshall Cohen for $23.00 ($16.95 plus $6.05 priority mail shipping) to Steve Marshall Cohen, POB 622, Hunter NY 12442.  Orders are shipped same day as check is received.

The comments reaching me are very positive, so I feel comfortable to say that you will enjoy the read.

Thanks again and again and again.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

been a long time coming...

iBookstoreDelivered 12/16/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 1-2 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Amazon KindleDelivery in Process 12/19/2014
Barnes & NobleDelivered 12/11/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 2-4 weeks from when we deliver to them.
KoboDelivered 12/11/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.
Baker & TaylorDelivered 12/11/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.
CopiaDelivered 12/11/2014We do not currently have an estimate for eBooks going live at Copia. We are delivering eBooks to them but there is a delay in their process for making a delivered ebook available for purchase on their site.
GardnersDelivered 12/10/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 3-4 weeks from when we deliver to them.
eSentralDelivered 12/11/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.
ScribdDelivered 12/10/2014Your eBook should be up for sale in approximately 2-3 weeks from when we deliver to them.
GoodreadsDelivered 12/10/2014
OysterDelivered 12/10/2014
FlipkartDelivered 12/11/2014
CiandoDelivered 12/10/2014
EBSCODelivered 12/11/2014
ePub DirectDelivered 12/10/2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


...nearly two feet of snow fell in Hunter, NY.

...the county snowplow operator clearing Ski Bowl Road built up a 4-ft wall in front of my truck

...the snow plow contractor failed to show up

...I heard the "Theme from Shaft" on Sirius radio

...the temp moderated, so the precip turned to ice, making a nice crust on top of the snowfall

...i cleared the snow so i could make shipments at the post office

...the local bakery gave me a large loaf of bread for the price of a sandwich roll

...I shipped several review copies of Inconceivable!

...I updated my profile on Stage

...I ordered a few christmas presents on-line turned back to snow and is still snowing at 5pm

...I made a nice fire with real wood instead of an artificial log

...I opened a bottle of Italian wine and cooked dinner for one,


...I approved the corrected proofs for Inconceivable!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Novelist publishes first title at age 62! Gets rave reviews!

“The writing is smooth and commercial. These pages are funny, quirky, and sweet and yet they have an oddly foreboding quality to them. The book has a nice pace and an engaging writing style. Both Helene and Greco are intriguing. I found this entertaining from beginning to end.”

“The strongest thing about Inconceivable! is that it takes a very singular issue, i.e. Helene and Greco’s anxiety about their pregnancy, and branches out from that into a detailed journey through their pasts and heritage. The method of using short chapters to juggle viewpoints from multiple characters works well and kept me interested throughout. I was impressed by the overall scope of the story and more specifically, by the skill with which the author has developed a dozen (or so!) key characters. By the epilogue, everything came together nicely and I wasn’t left wondering about loose ends. It’s an interesting story and fun to read!”

“I have read Inconceivable! and enjoyed it very much. Can't understand what is taking these publishers so long to publish it.”

“This book is so much fun to read you don’t realize how much you’ve learned or how deep the themes are until two days later. Even the chapter titles are clever.”

“The problem with this book is that I can’t identify a genre. It’s funny, but it’s not a comedy. There’s a love story, but it’s not a romance. It’s not chick lit, but it deals with serious female issues – pregnancy, self-image, relationships. It’s a mystery without detectives. There’s history, genetics and medicine, but not dry. There are social issues, but it’s not preachy. I give up.”

“I laughed out loud a few times, some tears here and there and cheered at the ending. In the final chapter, I thought I knew everyone and I wanted to be there with them.”

Loved reading Inconceivable! Good story, fascinating twists, kept me engaged all the way through. Its author comes across as highly intelligent and sensitive; in fact, a bit of a polymath. So many different facets of life, and made part of the story in a coherent manner.

“I very much enjoyed reading Inconceivable! The story development kept me interested, which must mean that the writing was good. The breadth of knowledge that went into the book is impressive. You learn various national cultures, ethnicities, peculiarities, aspects of the Holocaust – even life on the banks of the East River. The characters are believable. A natural for the movies.”


Why Do Mothers Kill Their Children? It's Inconceivable!

TABERNACLE, N.J. (AP) — Mourners said their goodbyes Saturday to three children fatally shot by their mother before she killed herself at their southern New Jersey home.


VANCOUVER - A young Vancouver woman who killed her two infant sons was afflicted with a "disturbed mind" in the moments following childbirth, a judge concluded Tuesday as she imposed a five-year prison term for infanticide.

But the judge could offer little else to explain why Sarah Leung killed the babies, giving birth twice in the bathroom of her parents' home before wrapping each baby in plastic. She left one propped against a neighbour's house in the spring of 2009, while she threw the second, born less than a year later, in the trash.


LONDON - A Latvian migrant living rough in a city graveyard has admitted burying her newborn baby alive after police decided they couldn't help her.

Elita Amantova, 39, was living off berries and bread left out for the birds in Tooting, south-west London, before she gave birth to the child in 2012, a court heard.

The tragic death was discovered after a fox dug up the baby on Tooting Common and dumped body parts in a nearby tractor yard.

At a hearing at the Old Bailey, Amantova admitted infanticide and was sentenced to a hospital order.

The court heard she had been diagnosed with a schizophrenia-type mental condition in Latvia in her 30s but it was exacerbated by childbirth.


BEIJING - Police have arrested a 15-year-old girl in connection with an infanticide case in Sau Mau Ping on November 26. At about 12.44pm that day, the girl and a newborn girl were brought to United Christian Hospital for medical treatment. The baby was unconscious and was later certified dead. Initial investigations revealed that the girl put the baby girl into plastic bags after she gave birth to it.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Backed up!

Dear Steve,
We apologize that you have been waiting for your new proof. The changes you
requested to the genre and last two pages are in production. We will notify you
as quickly as possible when your revised proof is ready for your review.
While it can always take up to ten business days to generate a new proof we
always try to get the proofs back to their authors as quickly as we can.
Please let us know if you have any other questions, and how we can help.
Thank you,

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What's in a back cover?

The delay is the back cover. Bookbaby, the company i chose to convert my .doc to .mobi and epub, is having trouble with the back cover. Because it is one piece of art,  ereader functions won't work and so we have recreated the back cover as interior pages.  Alas, delay.

So much about a book is sold by its cover. Therefore, naked breasts! Better yet - naked breasts in public! - better yet - in moonlight!

The back page portrait of the author:  photo, sketch, cartoon, silhouette? Bio: leave it in, take it out, how long, what to mention, where do I live and what do I type on.

It was all set-in-stone-submit-as-required-format, ready-to-roll, go-with-it, locked-in release on November 27. What can go wrong, did go wrong!  Mr. Murphy, a free copy of Inconceivable! is on its way to you!

The back cover of Inconceivable!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Reflections on Self-publication

Now that I have paid to have Inconceivable! printed and bound, I am an indie publisher. I have a beautiful physical version of Inconceivable! that I can use in whatever way I want to promote the property to agents, publishers, magazine editors and contest judges.  I drop a copy in the mail and there you are, without cost or obligation, on the threshold of an adventure in literature.

To some, the indie model is an inferior or stigmatized publishing model.  Their view is that unless the manuscript is represented by an agent who has brought it to the attention of a publisher that in turn brings it to the attention of wholesale buyers, it can't be a valuable property.  The anguish of screening works to protect the public from the unworthy, they say.

Not with the internet! The publishing food chain has been completely disintermediated by the digitization of manuscripts.  As an author who seeks validation, an editor's praise would be nice, an agent's energy is appreciated.  A publisher's investment is expensive, but to an author, the resources of a mainstream publisher are worth it. Without an agent, editor or publisher, what have I got?

A franchise completely within my control, with no rights granted to anyone, with a path up to me to navigate.  Not to mention 200 copies for sale at $16.95 softcover or $6.95 electronic in the format of your choice.

Nothing stands between me and my fantasy executive producer, Barbra Streisand! All rights reserved, Barbra, and all rights available. I wrote a character thinking you would play her.

[Several of you have back-channeled your praise for the book. Thanks! Please review it when it finally appears for sale on the ebook site of your choice.]